Customized linen services managed for you within your budget from the market leader



Specialist.  Full Line of customized Image products that give you a true market differentiator.

Smart Image Program 

Unique look

  • Current styles
  • Fashion colors
  • Embroidery
  • Logo Mats
  • Special needs
  • Right Product / right job
  • Party Rental
  • New ideas


Delivery what you want when you want it!

Smart Time

When you want it…

  • Schedule Delivery
  • Special delivery/Rapid Local Response
  • 24/7 availability

Smart Service

  • Empowered Route Manager
  • Inv Management
  • Rotate Stock
  • Just In Time (JIT)
  • Smart Communication

Smart Product

  • Quality Control System
    • Superior Products
    • Smart Count
    • Smart Garment
    • Computerized Washing
    • European finish Ironing
    • Tunnel Press
    • Hand inspection
    • Shrink Wrapped
    • QC Program


No surprises, Full Disclosure invoicing.

Smart Invoice

With no surprises)

  • Cost Control Invoice (3 wk avg)
  • Full disclosure invoice
  • No Surprise Billing
  • Auto Replace / LS
  • Damage Insurance/GPP
  • See Future Delieveries
  • Seasonal Adjustments

Smart Information

  • Cost reduction Report
  • Money Saving Tools
  • Training
  • Posters
  • Audit
  • Price Cost Analysis

Smart Choice

  • CSC Study
  • Market Leader (Herd)
  • Guarantee
  • Fair Pricing
  • Quality (No Charge Replacement)
  • 30 day out